Barack Obama, New APP article and NBC Dateline

BARACK OBAMA: I didn’t know about this until Sunday but one of our members got in touch with Barack Obama just before the election and received a personal response. I’ve added it to the Media and Documents page.

We will be reaching out to President Obama and as soon as we have updated contact information, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, as well.

ASBURY PARK PRESS: This past Sunday, Bill Handleman of the Asbury Park Press wrote another article in his series on David and Sean. It was in this article I learned about the email from Obama – I was stunned and shot off an email asking for it to be forwarded.

I’ve included the article on the web site at:

The APP link is:

NBC DATELINE: An in-depth exclusive report on David Goldman’s legal battle to bring Sean home will air this Friday night, January 30th at 10pm Eastern time (9pm Central, 9pm Mountain, 10pm Pacific).  As always, programming is subject to change due to unforseen circumstances but as of now that date has been confirmed by NBC. We’ve also been told they will be running teasers on the Today Show Thursday (Jan 29) between 8-8:15am and sometime Friday on MSNBC.

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